The IAA and Google partnership that has resulted in the the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library received a lot of press (and blog attention) when first released a few weeks ago. Now, on the IOQS Facebook page Shani Tzoref ask for this additional help from us on the […]
Dead Sea Scrolls
I received this from Eibert Tigchelaar. A lot of great sessions and conferences in exciting places. Too bad I will be at home trying to get a book in hand. The post is long so be sure to click through. Information on Qumran sessions at the SBL London (and EABS […]
When I was working on my doctorate at Oxford I scanned ALL the existing photos of the scrolls at an amazing 300dpi for the first ever CD-ROM published by OUP, Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Reference Library. If anybody could be forgiven for missing the deadline to opt out of the Google […]
For some reason the most recent Royal Ontario Museum exhibition of Dead Sea Scrolls has ignited a lot of debate. The most recent headline to cross my digital threshold was one I had not heard before (but I don’t look for these things as a rule). They make some interesting […]
I just came across this blog today, “Further Up & Further In: A C.S. Lewis & Inklings Resource Blog,” by Dr. Bruce L. Edwards of Bowling Green State. Others may know of him already, I did not, but his info looks impressive and sound and the site looks very interesting. […]
This is a great article and glad that it is now available for free online! More Terrific Scholarship From Me I see (HT: that an article of mine from a while back, “4Q246,” is available in several formats from the Institute for Biblical Research website. If you’re really interested, […]
I just received a note from Finnish colleague Hanne vaon Weissenberg promoting Helsinki’s Summer School (“Thinking Allowed,” but apparently not mandatory? 😉 ) course on the Dead Sea Scrolls. The full description can be found here, but the key elements are these: ORGANISER: The University of Helsinki , Department of […]
Some of you may have seen this article from BAR already. It is very curious. The author is Edna Ullmann-Margalit and is “professor of philosophy and director of the Center for the Study of Rationality at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is also author of Out of the Cave: […]
The latest Review of Biblical Literature is out. I wanted to point out a review of my good friend Daniel Falk’s latest work. (We must do something about the price of books….) The Parabiblical Texts: Strategies for Extending the Scriptures among the Dead Sea Scrolls Falk, Daniel K. $110.00 New York: […]
I am proud to say that I scanned all of the DSS images for the first OUP/Brill CD-ROM (and edited the database) while a graduate student. The scanning was all done on an Apple machine (a Macintosh IIfx, if I recall correctly) and a rotating monitor. About 1/3 of the […]