Here is a tip I could not find it anywhere on the interwebs. My Apple Pencil (which I use extensively to highlight PDFs while reading in Endnote and other apps) stopped working. The iPad could see it, knew it was there, fully charged, but when I went to write, highlight, […]
I have been using one version of Nisus or another since 1994. I have written all of my academic work in it (it was one of the first to support right-to-left languages on the Mac) and while there was an annoying footnote bug that bit me when I was submitting […]
Several years ago I wrote about seeking a bibliographic software. I had been using EndNote for years, but I wanted a solution that would allow me to archive and annotate PDFs while also having access to them on the iPad. I chose the “walled garden” of Sente. It was well […]
Continuing my list of favorite things as my present to you, today I want to share some of my top picks among podcasts. I spend a lot of time traveling and doing dishes and podcasts are how I keep sane and learn along the way. So, by category, here are the […]
If you went by frequency and topic of posts you might be forgiven for supposing that my area of expertise was biblical and rabbinic literature. But if you go by the WordPress site statistics, the posts that get the most attention would suggest I am a tech blogger. And to […]
FINAL UPDATE: For now, using Pages with Dropbox may be the best solution. UPDATE: October 2013. I am late in noticing this but Google (who acquired Quickoffice last year) has announced that they have released a free version of Quickoffice. Sounds good, right? But there is a BIG hitch. It will only support Google […]
I wrote over two years ago about the lack of Bluetooth keyboard support in iOS. Specifically, it just makes no sense to me that Apple should give us some key commands, but not the most basic and useful in Mail. I stumbled across an article from Tao of Mac which […]
I get David Pogue’s NYTimes blog postings in my email. I like his reviews and reflections, but today’s Two Tips for Facebook Users was particularly helpful. In it he reveals that there is a hidden “Other” messages mailbox. [H]ere’s the bottom line: Go to your Facebook page. In the left-side […]
This is a repost from January 14, 2011. I had thought about doing a new post, but it is still relevant and came up in my conversation with our new Tombros Librarian Chuck Jones and CLA associate dean Christopher Long. I still find Sente to be most useful for me […]
UPDATE: Apparently iOS 7 will allow you to view Unread messages only. As of 8/29/13 it has not yet been released, so I cannot confirm that. UPDATE 2:Indeed iOS 7 allows this. In the Mail app go to “Mailboxes” (upper left corner) and, if you don’t already see “Unread,” select […]