If you are really bored and want 45 minutes of how I went from a chemistry pre-med major to dean of the SHC this is for you. Nice sleep aid too. (Click on the link in the tweet for the podcast interview.) @shcdean and @PennStateHonors helping students transform into the […]
Higher Ed
This is a paper presented at the 2006 SBL. I am negligent in preparing it for a volume on teaching the Bible in a secular context. I thought I would repost it here now in hopes that a few more folks might offer their thoughts and comments that I may […]
Nice title by Inside Higher Ed, wouldn’t you say? The case is interesting and important although apparently the ruling “is not binding in areas other than the Seventh Circuit.” (That doesn’t quite make sense to me, it is the Supreme Court that is upholding the appeals court after all.) The story […]
ProfHacker at the Chronicle of Higher Education has a great little piece about how to make students’ blogging more effective, not in terms of production, but in terms of learning. We require students in our leadership academy to blog all three years they are in it and many find it […]
Seems a resolution of sorts has been reached. I commented on this earlier, see the comments for thoughtful replies. A Separation and a Return July 30, 2010 The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign announced Thursday that it is ending an unusual relationship under which an independent Roman Catholic center has […]
NB: Rick’s comment made me realize that I did not clarify at the outset that I was not commenting directly on the merits of Howell’s hiring or firing. I was commenting on the practice of allowing an organization or donor outside of the university dictate the hiring or firing policies. […]
These are from Times Higher Education, UK. US bibliobloggers, do you have any good bloops, blunders, or gaffs to share? The “Google generation” finds it hard to imagine life before the world wide web, it seems. A student of Leo Enticknap, lecturer in cinema at the University of Leeds, explained […]
I am back in NYC, this time for three days. This is a business trip, but not to meet prospective students or donors, rather to serve as an external evaluator to an honors college. It is really quite an honor (and a LOT of work) to do this and I […]
At the SHC we are not (and have not for 8 years at least) using SAT scores for the purposes of admissions. Now the Chronicle of Higher Education is reporting on additional studies that say what other studies have noted long ago. Pursuit of high SAT scores in students will […]
I am not saying that the student doesn’t have the academic freedom to do a project such as this (although the more I ruminate the more I might change my mind about that). What I am saying is that I believer her project crosses a number of boundaries, none of […]