In the human life a lot can happen in nine months. This past year I was the interim rector of St. Bartholomew’s in Nashville for exactly nine months and preached almost every Sunday. I have posted few of those sermons here, but I have compiled them all into one PDF […]
My sermon from this past Sunday, Advent 3 (Yr. A). The audio can be heard on St. B’s site, where you can subscribe to all our sermons. Third Sunday of Advent (December 11, 2016) Gospel Matthew 11:2-11 What are you expecting for Christmas? The season of Advent is a time of […]
Compline has always been to me the most gentle and consoling of the offices. I can never, however, escape the knowledge that, as they prepared to take him on the helicopter, I prayed with Mack our simple nightly prayer. “Now we lay you down to sleep and pray the Lord […]
George F. Will has an excellent and fair summary of where the Episcopal church finds itself. You can find the article in the Washington Post: A Faith’s Dwindling Following. The summary is fairly straightforward: As the church’s doctrines have become more elastic, the church has contracted. It celebrates an “inclusiveness” that […]
That is the headline of a Times story. And it is a good question and a good little piece. Some highlights are below, but be sure to read it all. Of course this goes straight to the earlier conversation with Kevin Wilson of Blue Cord about polity. The episcopal extravaganza […]
The Presiding Bishop of ECUSA, The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori has responded as well. Her entire response is as follows: Much of the Anglican world must be lamenting the latest emission from GAFCON. Anglicanism has always been broader than some find comfortable. This statement does not represent the end […]
You can read it all here, but I have included his opening and concluding paragraphs below. The bulk is his raising reasonable concerns about GAFCON’s proposal. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has responded to the final declaration of the Global Anglican Future Conference with the following statement: The […]
The new Jerusalem council (not to be confused with the New Jerusalem Council which has yet to be scheduled) has apparently resulted in a new organization of orthodox Anglican churches within the Communion. From the Daily Telegraph: Orthodox Anglicans who are creating a new movement at a breakaway summit in […]
I am watching BBC America news right now (and why on earth do we not simply have BBC international news?!) and they just ran a story on the conservative Anglican leaders meeting in Jerusalem this week prior to the Lambeth Conference and some have some rather dramatic comments.One story is […]
No one is sure yet. But this week the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) is meeting in Jerusalem prior to the Lambeth Conference which is meeting in mid-July. The Pew Forum just ran an informative and helpful piece setting the issues into a demographic context. One of the major flashpoints […]