See, I first read this as “underwear volcano.” It really changes the meaning and the mental image, doesn’t it? @NatGeo: Photos: Underwater volcano erupts, stains seas
Jeremy has an excellent idea. Tweet straight from Jim West’s blog I already wrote about this over the weekend, but now I’m just having too much fun with it. Jim wrote another anti-twitter post this morning. So, I went over and tweeted his post directly from his own blog. I think it […]
Well, not literally of course. You will not find a twitter account for the Zwingli hagiographer. But in making a parenthetical comment about the usefulness of twitter for sharing useful articles and information between colleagues it occurred to me that many of Jim’s posts likely fall within the 140 character […]
I have no idea who is behind the twitter account “XIANITY” but for those on the twitter it is well worth following. A sampling is in the image below.
Or split personality? Christopher Long, associate professor of Philosophy at PSU and soon to be associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts, is wondering how to manage his online presence. Should he have one unified identity @cplong? Or two or more, such as I have (@targuman and @shcdean)? My […]
Twitter Tools for WP seems to be acting up again with some combination of my WordPress plugins. Throwing 500 errors when I post. This is just to test that. So… with my various combination of plugins turning on Twitter Tools results in Error 500 when posting and the “Comments” not […]
Interestingly enough Jesus does not twitter, at least not under his own name (the LORD does, however).
One of our college paper reporters interviewed me earlier this week for his story on the “dangers” of twittering and social media. The study was reported by CNN (I cannot find the full study to…study) and many have pointed out the irony of that report since news outlets like CNN […]
A HT to @samharrelson for pointing out this story. My views may surprise some. The story is this: STALLINGS, N.C. (AP) — Most churches want them turned off, but one North Carolina church encouraged its members to use their cell phones, BlackBerrys and other devices to help spread the word […]
Ever wonder what all the fuss is about? Well this article won’t completely satisfy your curiousity but it does feature yours truly. Joining Facebook and MySpace is a new social networking Web site that is beginning to make its presence known at Penn State — Twitter. “I’ve been using it […]