Almost a year ago I was a listener contestant on WWDTM. I was in the “Who’s Bill This Time?” segment, right at the top of the show. I selected Adam Felber to record my voicemail and offered a few suggestions as to a script. I have had it for a while […]
I have been a stand up comedy fan for years. One of my first albums was a Bill Cosby and eventually I discovered Mike Warnke, a Christian comedian. Not the best choices, in retrospect. If you have been following the news at all you know about Cosby, but Warnke too was […]
This is great. I will have to remember it the next time a baby is crying while I am preaching. HT: Jody Howard We have all heard the baby crying in church when the priest was speaking. Not all, however, have read Father Conroy’s book, “A Mill Town Pastor,” nor […]
Some will find these offensive and in poor taste. I would suggest that it is no more so than the vast majority of vapid sentiments found on the usual sympathy and support cards. These represent real life and the real struggle that people with serious illness and grief are wrestling […]