Almost a year ago I was a listener contestant on WWDTM. I was in the “Who’s Bill This Time?” segment, right at the top of the show. I selected Adam Felber to record my voicemail and offered a few suggestions as to a script. I have had it for a while […]
Last month we were in Italy for a few days, meeting our daughter who had been studying for the semester in Siena. She is majoring in History, Art History, and Medieval Studies and had reserved for us tickets for the aperitivo at the Vatican Museum. Opening at 7 pm with […]
Last week was the third season finale of the series Grantchester. Having watched an enjoyed all three seasons to date, I wanted to share my critique of the show. A few preliminary comments are relevant. First, I deeply enjoy this genre, the British period mystery. Now, I have been a fan […]
Never one to be prompt, I am late to this game of sharing my favorite podcasts. “Informally led” by NPR March was the month to declare your love for podcasts with the hashtag #TryPod. According to Edison Research, one in five Americans listened to podcasts every month as of early […]
My good friend DS shared this quote from Abraham Lincoln regarding God’s will and the Civil War. It seems particularly applicable today, not just in the obvious tensions, but the subtle as well. It also is a very good reminder of the difficulty of discerning “God’s will.” The will of […]
A Facebook friend posted this article from the Washington Post, Stop. Using. Periods. Period. My friend called them “douchey, hipster pod-dorks with no allegiance to the English language” and I cannot say that my assessment is too far off. I would suggest, however that their flagging allegiance is not just to English […]
It is Christmas time (well, technically Advent) and most of us will at least listen to the music from, if not watch, A Charlie Brown Christmas. has a great little piece with six little known facts about first release. (I know all but the Coke fact.) What is also clear […]
It is tough to admit it but I am no longer the “younger generation.” Sure I use twitter, facebook, and often have the gadgets. Folks are saying that twitter and facebook are really for the old folks anyway so maybe that isn’t a sign of my hipness. But when it […]
You may be familiar with NPR’s resurrection of the program “This I Believe.” I have been meaning to write an essay on this topic and this week I finally found some time to do that during my trip. I still need to trim this down below 500 words (it is […]
I am currently at the convention of the National Collegiate Honors Council. As you can imagine, when a group of educators get together we tend to talk about educational and therefore social concerns. Last night was our annual dinner with our CIC colleagues and I again shared my thoughts on […]