Written for our Presidential Leadership Academy blog. Life should be about making a positive difference in the world around you. That is the vision of our college: To educate men and women who will have an important and ethical influence in the world, affecting academic, professional, civic, social, and business […]
All companies and entities have good and bad people and most folks are just doing their job. The AIG Executive Vice President in charge of the financial division that has received so much notoriety resigned this past week and sent his letter of recommendation to the NY Times. The honor […]
We can never thank enough those who have served our country. I remember my grandfather, my wife’s grandfather, my brother, and brother-in-law. There are so many. Follow this link to see an amazingly touching and poignant tribute to our veterans. Read from the bottom to the top. I remember asking […]
You may be familiar with NPR’s resurrection of the program “This I Believe.” I have been meaning to write an essay on this topic and this week I finally found some time to do that during my trip. I still need to trim this down below 500 words (it is […]
I am currently at the convention of the National Collegiate Honors Council. As you can imagine, when a group of educators get together we tend to talk about educational and therefore social concerns. Last night was our annual dinner with our CIC colleagues and I again shared my thoughts on […]
(Note the placement of the question mark in the title.) I am working on my triennual speech for the honors college medal ceremony and trying to be a little different while still presenting my basic theme that “honor” is fundamentally about knowing what is right and having the strength and […]