Monthly Archives: June 2010
As you all know I am working Targum Ruth. Those who know me well know that my interests are more with the exegetical concerns than linguistic issues. Still, one must slog through a translation at some point… Ruth 1:16-17 has received a lot of attention throughout the millennia. For the […]
“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.” Eccl. 1:9 (NRSV) Today SBL members (and no doubt AAR members, but I dropped that membership a few years ago…) received a letter announcing that the old order […]
I was very sorry to see our US team go out, but at least we can say it wasn’t the refs who stole it from us. This morning I am torn. We lived in England for 4 years and loved every minute of it (mostly), but I am also of […]
I have been a bit hesitant to share this openly on the blog since it transparently comes from current circumstances in my own life, however a recent discussion with some close friends and being shown a blog post directly on this topic at the Christian Monist has me wanting to […]
A number of folks have commented on Prof. Hendel’s declaration that he is not renewing his SBL membership. (As always, John Hobbins has an incredibly thoughtful take on matters.) Today SBL members received an email from “SBL” (personified!) and I share it with others below. My thoughts can be summarized […]
The conversation continues in the comments to my earlier post on How do you “make a Christian”? As always, defining terms seems to be the biggest challenge in such a discussion.
My YouYube subscriptions notified me this week that I had a new video from Father Matthew, and Episcopal priest who does humorous and informative vlogs. This week it was The Book of Common Prayer in 4 Minutes. It is a useful and fun romp through the BCP but when he […]
UPDATE: Apparently canola and rapeseed are one and the same. See this blog post by one of our ad researchers about the very field I took pictures of which you can see below. I added a few more pictures to my flickr set “Desktop Images.” Some might find them suitable […]