The following was the paper I presented at the International SBL meeting in Amsterdam this week. As it turned out, Almost half of the scholars in the room had written on one Targum text or another dealing it the Messiah! I do not intend to publish this as is, so […]
My deepest apologies to everyone, especially Leeor. I had intended to post this quite literally years ago. Just before the outbreak of COVID and my (unrelated) tenure as interim Dean of Arts & Sciences, this product was announced and demonstrated. Dr. Leeor Gottleib of Bar-Ilan University has created the Equivalent […]
I will be proposing a paper for IOTS and/or iSBL. I hope to see some of you in Amsterdam this summer! I intend to take in an Ajax match, if possible. 1th International Organization for Targumic Studies Call for Papers It is a pleasure for the executive committee of the […]
I was honored to be a guest on the Daily Dose of Aramaic show with Dr. Scott Callaham. It was an enjoyable wide-ranging conversation about the Targumim and kicks off their study of the Targumim and Targumic Aramaic. Be sure to go back and see his interview with Ed Cook.
Call for Papers It is a pleasure for the executive committee of the International Organization for Targumic Studies (IOTS) to invite you to the IOTS conference, connected to the international SBL conference on 17-21 July 2022 in Salzburg. The conference will accept proposals on the following topics: Targums of the Tora Targum […]
This past week I received word from Paul Flesher that Derek Beattie died on Saturday, 31 August at his home in Chandler’s Ford, Hampshire. He was 73 years old. His son has said that plans for the funeral are still in process, but it is likely to be on 13th […]
The Targum MS Valmadonna 1 was purchased by the Green Foundation at Sotheby’s on December 22, 2015 and was gifted to the MOTB. It is the MS I have used for much of my research and I see they now have a nice page up about the MS with a […]
I have finally finished editing my doctoral thesis (from 20 years ago!) to make it accessible in ePub format! I have made no substantive edits to the text, so any errors present in the earlier version remain (the PDF is still available here). There are some quirks. The fonts seem […]
The Old Testament reading in the Daily Office this week (7 Epiphany, Year A) is the Book of Ruth. An appropriate text as we head into Lent, Naomi and Ruth experience the vicissitudes of life, from grief and widowhood, migration and isolation, to friendship, loyalty, and love. If you are […]
The first review of my book on Targum Ruth, The Proselyte and the Prophet, came out this week on Reading Religion. Steven Fassberg offered a very gracious summary and review of the book while providing context for the study of the Targumim of the Megilloth. Please read it all, but to […]