Tomorrow I am heading to NYC and Fordham University to take part in the meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association. Fellow blogger (and Episcopalian) Stephen Cook is scheduled to be there also. I am looking forward to it, although I still have to finish my presentation. 🙂 I may not […]
In a comment to my earlier post regarding the abuse of TgNeof with respect to Gen. 1:1 and the Trinity Matthew Lanser offered the following comment (in part): Secondly (and more to the issue at hand) Shepherd quotes Gen 1:1 in TgNeof yet he translates the text as follows, “In […]
I (finally!) have the wiki set up at the Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies. The idea is to have scholars contribute articles on Aramaic, Syriac, Targum, Peshitta, and other related subjects so that the site can become a reliable resource. The Newlsetter itself already has some targumic texts available […]
I am trying to finally knock out this article and as is often the case the introduction is proving the greatest challenge. In particularly I am trying to set up an argument (albeit briefly, it is not the main purpose of this article) for considering the Targumim of the Megillot […]
I am pleased to be able to post on the Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies images for TgLam and TgRuth from the Codex Solger MS 1-7.2° (Solger) manuscript. The images are made available with the permission of the Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg. They can be found under the “Targumim of the […]
I have finally managed to get the images from the Solger manuscript of TgLam posted in the “Targum Lamentations” section of this site. It can be found in the subpage “Solger MS Images of TgLam.” The description from that page: The images presented here are from the Codex Solger MS […]