I received the following email from George Kiraz and pass it along for the benefit of all. Dear Christian, I am writing to introduce you to some of Gorgias Press’s academic publishing programs. At the last SBL meeting, we released ca. 65 new titles, some of which are listed below […]
I (finally!) have the wiki set up at the Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies. The idea is to have scholars contribute articles on Aramaic, Syriac, Targum, Peshitta, and other related subjects so that the site can become a reliable resource. The Newlsetter itself already has some targumic texts available […]
File under: “Better late than never.” Welcome to the Silver Anniversary of the BSC! I am a day late and a dollar short (and a modest listing from a lot of great blogs this month) but I hope this will help slake your thirst for biblical studies related information. Here […]
From Jim Davila: PSEUDEPIGRAPHA AND ARAMAIC WATCH: The Odes of Solomon… PSEUDEPIGRAPHA AND ARAMAIC WATCH: The Odes of Solomon and other ancient Syriac poetry pertaining to the Nativity are discussed in Commonweal Magazine: The Mary We Never KnewNew Light from the Syrian Tradition Sally Cunneen It’s hard to maintain the […]
It is up and wow is it thorough! So go and get caught up on a month’s worth of biblioblogging! Biblical Studies Carnival XXII Via SansBlogue.
This year’s SBL Schedule of session is now up! S19-54 Aramaic Studies 11/19/2007 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM Room: Anaheim – MM Michael Segal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem From Joseph to Daniel to Antiochus: The Literary Development of Daniel 2 (20 min) Discussion (10 min) Robert R. Phenix, Jr., Saint […]
From the NTCS site: John Hobbins posted this article about Wikipedia and asks whether or not contributors to Targum.info and NTCS will also be making Wikipedia entries on Targum better as well. I personally would hope so. (See my comments here.) The NTCS Wiki will be controlled, with only registered […]
Some of you may know that for the last six years I have been the online editor for the Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies. This site is now located at http://targum.info and we are now taking the newsletter to an online only format. As part of the change we […]
The schedule for the Vth Congress of the International Organization for Targumic Studies (IOTS) is now available! The conference will be in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 12-13 July 2007. If you are in the area please stop by! 🙂 I will probably post the abstracts later, at least mine, so please […]
I hope I am not breaking any rules by releasing this information now, but… Here is the lineup for the Aramaic Studies session for this year’s SBL conference in San Diego. It will be on Monday afternoon, not in the heart of the conference but not on the Sabbath or […]