From the NTCS site:
John Hobbins posted this article about Wikipedia and asks whether or not contributors to and NTCS will also be making Wikipedia entries on Targum better as well. I personally would hope so. (See my comments here.)
The NTCS Wiki will be controlled, with only registered contributors being able to write and edit articles. While we are on this topic (and even though I do not have the wiki set up yet) I would like to go ahead and issue a call for contributors. Contributors should have an appropriate terminal degree and demonstrated contributions to the field of biblical studies and/or ancient Hebrew and Jewish literature or related fields. I do not want to be too restrictive while at the same time we want to maintain the quality and usefulness of the site. So if you are interested in contributing but have some question about requirements simply drop me an email.
I want to take a moment to thank Kevin Wilson for advice on setting this site up. His Bible Wiki will serve as a model (and his skill should add to the quality of the site as well!).
Finally, I need some help figuring out how to incorporate the bibliography. We would like to have a searchable database. We have the info in database format, but we need a way to incorporate it into our WordPress site. Many people have told me we can use php and mySQL for this but no one can seem to point me to a resource or template. Can anyone help with this? Any direction or advice would be gratefully received!