Some of you may know that for the last six years I have been the online editor for the Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies. This site is now located at and we are now taking the newsletter to an online only format. As part of the change we are redoing the site and adding new features. The main entrance to and content of the site will managed through WordPress so that there is an RSS feed that you an subsribe to for up to date notices of changes to the site and upcoming events or news of interest to those in Targumic and cognate studies. It also means that others can collaborate! If you are interested in helping with the site, please let me know. (The header, for example, looks remarkably like the one on this site. 😉 I have limited visual arts skilz.)
Over the coming months we will be updating the site to include all of the information formally available (targumic texts in translation, news, and bibliography) as well as a searchable bibliographic database, Wiki edited by scholars in the field, and hopefully some images of targumic manuscripts.
The Newsletter is also the official organ of the International Organization for Targumic Studies. News and minutes of the IOTS will also be posted at this site.
So please head on over, bookmark the RSS feed, and let me know what else you might like to see at the site!
This will be the new Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies! Welcome world! I hope to have most of the content of the old site up by the end of the
dayweek but our goal is to include a searchable database and that will take some time. In the meantime, put this rss into your newsreader and look for updates as new material is uploaded or updated.The Editor
Christian Brady
cbrady AT
(Via NTCS.)
One thought on “Welcome to NTCS!”
Besides being made available on the NTCS site, will the wiki’s be used to improve Wikipedia? I’m hoping so, and explain why on my blog.
John Hobbins