The following Is my presentation for today’s Blogging and Online Publishing session of SBL. I hope that my proposal will be taken seriously since I believe it offers the greatest promise for securing a credible future for digital biblical studies. Online Biblical Studies: Past, Present, Promise, and Peril I must […]
Monthly Archives: November 2010
I arrived yesterday afternoon in ATL and had a very enjoyable afternoon with in-laws and then a wonderful evening getting caught up with old friends. I have to admit that in the last few years I have often felt some anxiety about going to SBL. Since I moved fully into […]
Most of those who are going to attend are already there, but I will not depart until early tomorrow (Saturday). This is due to the fact that my academic life is no longer really my own (not that it ever fully was). As an administrator my schedule does not follow […]
This comic serves as a timely reminder about our inaugural Blogger and Online Publication session at SBL. S22-209 Blogger and Online Publication 11/22/2010 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM Room: A702 – Marriott Marquis Theme: The Past, Present, and Future of Blogging and Online Publication Robert R. Cargill, University of California-Los Angeles, […]
Many of my colleagues have already left for SBL in Atlanta but I will be unable to travel until Saturday morning…early, very early Saturday morning. That being said, I likely travel more than most since my job as a dean requires frequent trips to develop donors and recruits. Just last […]
How is this for a moral dilemma? (See the comic below.) Oddly enough, I was thinking along these lines just yesterday when I read a story about the new black hole discovered which mentioned how many millions (hundreds of millions?) were spent to bring us this discovery. Is that really […]
I was asked by a student if I had any advice for them as they grew out their facial follicles. Of course, “don’t shave.” Movember, if you did not know, is a chance for men to grew out their mustaches (or additional facial hair, if so inclined) to bring attention […]
This time I am not actually talking about Genesis. I am thinking about my blog and I am doing that because I am getting ready for SBL where I will be on two panels discussing biblioblogging and the question of “ePublish or Perish.” Jim Davila will be sharing an excellent […]
Bob has the latest word on the annual SBL bibliblogger food-centered meet-up. I will be there, will you? the 2010 biblioblogger gathering in atlanta this year will be held at gibney’s irish pub (map) on sunday night, november 21, 2010, at 6:45 pm. it’s less than a block away from […]
Looking through old files on my computer for something else, I came upon this snippet of a thought. Comments or reaction? History and Objectivity Can one do “history” of individuals who are still alive, or whom we have known? Some would say we are too close, but does chronological and […]