TLDR: Everyone take a deep breath. Over the past few weeks I have been in Germany on a research break. It is going surprisingly well with a large portion of the book now written. While we have been here we have not, of course, been away from the internet and […]
We will be leaving first thing in the morning tomorrow, but had a great time. I heard a number of excellent papers and saw so many great friends who shared their love and concern for us. It was affirming, sad, and wonderful all at once. There is a consultation on […]
Brian LePort is trying to organize our annual conference gathering of bibliobloggers. After a false start in naming convention, he asks that we all take his survey to determine the best time for SBLAARggers to gather. Who knows, perhaps I might even break out the mics again for a podcast!
Jim West has the “the Avignonian Papacy Edition” of the Biblical Studies Carnival for July. I am not sure where the official one is (I will be happy to post it if someone will direct me to it). It was kind of Jim to highlight my post on “The Experience […]
Scott Bailey brings up this nagging question and Jim responds with his usual…rhetoric. I am not going to try and answer the question (by most definitions I might well not be included as one), but I am going to ask, when was it that so many self-defined bibliobloggers became the TMZ […]
I am very pleased to announce that Richard Price, DPhil (Oxon) will be speaking at the Blogging and Online Publication session at SBL this fall. I had the chance to have a cuppa with Richard last fall in SF and he is a wonderful young philosopher who also has a […]
Well, my site may not be as popular as our reigning #1 Biblioblogger, but I think I have figured out why I fare so poorly in the Alexa rankings. It isn’t that I am blogging far less frequently or that people aren’t interested in what I have to say (well, […]
This was forwarded to me by a friend and I believe that there are those older bloggers who might benefit from this helpful list. As you get on in years it can be tough to keep up with the kids and their crazy lingo, but Old Folks have their own […]
The following Is my presentation for today’s Blogging and Online Publishing session of SBL. I hope that my proposal will be taken seriously since I believe it offers the greatest promise for securing a credible future for digital biblical studies. Online Biblical Studies: Past, Present, Promise, and Peril I must […]
Most of those who are going to attend are already there, but I will not depart until early tomorrow (Saturday). This is due to the fact that my academic life is no longer really my own (not that it ever fully was). As an administrator my schedule does not follow […]