Jim West announced the new status of bibliobloggers vis a vis SBL last week. This led to some reaction by folks like John Hobbins. I have posted a brief comment on Jim’s site, but let me post it here as well with point (3)(2) added. When I read Jim’s announcement I […]
The Top 50 Bibliobloggers list is up for August and while I am higher than July this past month had relatively few posts so I am, for the second month in a row, just out of the Top 50. I will take down the Top 50 badge that I have […]
The other day I asked “what is a blog for?” There were several very thoughtful responses and I thought I would bring their blogs to your attention. Some you may be familiar with others may be new to you (they were new to me). I hope you will give them […]
I suppose that title is not grammatically perfect, but it gets the idea across. The comic above brought the question to mind again, what do we expect our blog to be? A public forum or a private place for reflection? I have always assumed that what I post on the […]
After a couple of years away from writing his own blog Brandon Wason is back with Sitz im Leben. Perhaps the first to state that he is creating a “biblioblog.” This blog is a biblioblog, which simply means that its main focus is on the academic study of the Bible. […]
I was able to take time out during my work today to have lunch with Ed Cook and Andrew Gross at Catholic University. Good times, good times.
(Click on the picture to go to flickr and see more pictures of attendees.) Tonight we had our annual SBL Bibliobloggers dinner. Absent were the redoubtable Jim West and Chris Tilling but we made fun of them anyway. We had a tremendous group, with 23 people in attendance! We even […]