Somehow I missed the fact that my good friend Dr. Richard Wright (Jim W. you need to get to know this fellow Baptist!) has started a very thoughtful blog. I should note that I have known Richard since we were at Cornell together and he taught me biblical Hebrew. (He […]
The most recent BIBLICAL STUDIES CARNIVAL XX is up and excellent at Dr. Mariottini’s blog. (Sorry for not noting it earlier!) Dr. Mariottini also provides this reminder for the next BSC: Biblical Studies Carnival XXI Biblical Studies Carnival XXI will be hosted by Duane Smith at Abnormal Interests. Duane’s selection […]
Kevin Wilson of has contact a few of us and is calling for more contributors to a book project on Blogging the Bible. Although I am down for “Blogging for Scholarly Writing” (i.e., will it help one get tenure?) I am also intriqued with idea that blogging has, in […]
I don’t think it is too early to begin thinking about this fall’s SBL, do you? I will be there for the duration and I have SBL’s permission, assuming the permission of our speakers, to record the papers in our Aramaic Studies session for podcasting purposes. But what do you […]
Tonight I had the great honor and pleasure to interview Dr. Jim West, a Patriarch of Biblioblogging. Our conversation ranged over preaching, sacramental theology, academics, blogging, and keeping a sense of humor. It was a great 50 minutes! I do have to apologize for a technical problem; Skype causes the […]
Over at Novum Testamentum Blog Brandon has done an outstanding job collating the Biblioblogging world’s latest thoughts and comments. And he even likes the name “Targuman!” Thanks Brandon. Novum Testamentum Blog A Weblog Dedicated to the New Testament and Cognate Fields 04.01.07 Biblical Studies Carnival XVI Posted in weblogs at […]
My brother has finally convinced me to sign up for Skype. For those who do not know what this is in brief it allows you to use your computer, connected to a high speed network, to call other computers anywhere in the world for free and other (regular) phones for […]
The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog: If You Can’t Beat ‘Em… March 8, 2007 If You Can’t Beat ‘Em… Nicola Pratt, a lecturer in international relations at the University of East Anglia, in England, tells The Guardian that she was once one of those “disgruntled” academics who berate students for using […]
In keeping with my laziness of merely pointing to other bloggers who have done more work on this, I will point readers to Tyler Williams’ excellent round up of the latest and greatest biblioblog discussions regarding the Talpiut tomb. The Jesus/Talpiot Tomb: Around the Blogosphere The hype surrounding the forthcoming […]
Tyler Williams at Codex reports on the Religious Studies Review: Religion and the Internet I just received the latest edition of the Religious Studies Review (Volume 32, number 4, October 2006), which is a special issue on Religion and the Internet edited by Christopher Helland. The volume highlights and evaluates […]