Over at Novum Testamentum Blog Brandon has done an outstanding job collating the Biblioblogging world’s latest thoughts and comments. And he even likes the name “Targuman!” Thanks Brandon. Novum Testamentum Blog A Weblog Dedicated to the New Testament and Cognate Fields 04.01.07 Biblical Studies Carnival XVI Posted in weblogs at […]
Jesus Tomb
The title says it all. Talpiot Tomb Various There are several additional things that are worth mentioning on the Talpiot tomb story from recent days. Randy Ingermanson has uploaded a clear, detailed investigation of the statistics and the tomb, co-written with Jay Cost. Some will remember his earlier piece, Statistics […]
Kirk Kilpatrick emailed me to let me know that he updated his theory regarding the chevron and circle on the so-called “Jesus tomb.” Temple of Augustus or Temple of the LORD? Upon further reflection and additional research, I believe that another possibility should be considered: The Temple of Augustus. The […]
One of the podcasts I listen to regularly from the BBC is called the NOW Show. It is a semi-regular news comedy program (think “Daily Show” on a weekly basis; NOW= News Of the Week). This week they had a piece about the Jesus Tomb special. Very special. I have […]
The Numbers Guy Carl Bialik examines the way numbers are used, and abused. March 8, 2007, 10:08 pm The Lost Tomb of Jesus? My column this week explores the controversy over an estimate of the probability that a tomb found in Jerusalem contains the remains of the family of Jesus […]
Craig Evans has posted an updated guest blog at Deinde on the Talpiot tomb. It is the best concise summary of the problems I have read so far and the update even includes reference to Dr. Kirkland’s interpretation of the chevron and circle. The Tomb of Jesus and Family? Second […]
I stumbled across this today. I nice bit of work showing a far more likely explanation of the marks on the tomb that Jacobovici has been “documenting.” This is from a blog that is new to me, EVIDENCE by R. Kirk Kilpatrick, Ph.D. In a previous post I mentioned the […]
A lot of good stuff there so be sure to read it and follow his links. Jesus/Talpiot Tomb Thursday Roundup