Dineke Houtman sent me word of this new and intriguing book. It’s Brill so save up your shekelim. A Jewish Targum in a Christian World ISBN: 9789004267817 What is the use of a Targum in a cultural setting where Aramaic is not a common language anymore? And why would Christians be […]
A month or so ago I was talking to an old and close friend and we began discussing reviews of our work. This led to discussing how one reviewer misunderstood my conclusions in The Rabbinic Targum of Lamentations: Vindicating God. Curious to look at it all again, I pulled up […]
My article “The Conversion of Ruth in Targum Ruth” has just been published in Review of Rabbinic Judaism, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2013. Due to Brill’s generous policies, you may find the article on this site under the “Targum Ruth” tab above.
A long title. I shall have to find a shorter version, but it gets at the challenge we often find in Targumic studies. For those who are not familiar with the Targumim a very simplistic description is this: Aramaic translation of the biblical text PLUS interpretive material. A little more […]
We are now just about two weeks away from the 2013 IOTS conference in Munich. My paper, as always seems to be the case, is on the last day, just a few hours before we catch our flight back. My paper is “On Some Exegetical Similarities Between the Targumim of […]
I have known others dealing with tragedy who cope by focusing on their work, putting all their concentration into the various tasks at hand. That isn’t me. In many ways I wish it were, but as we move out of the semester and into the “research months” (as I call […]
Passing along this announcement from Wilem Smelik. Please propagate amongst the Biblioblogospheroid. International Organization for Targum Studies Seventh Meeting Munich/München, Germany Wednesday – Friday, August 7-9, 2013 CALL FOR PAPERS The 7th meeting of the IOTS will cover a wide range of topics related to Targum Studies: Philology; Translation Strategies […]
There has long been debate about which rabbinic text is dependent upon which. It is very rare that we know certainly the date of the texts or when one is clearly citing or building its own interpretation upon that of another text. This is certainly true of TgRuth. I am […]
I am in the final stages of preparing my paper on the transformation of the character of Ruth in her Targum and I thought I would share one nugget here with a comment about determining primacy of exegetical traditions. The first reference to Ruth in the Targum, as in the […]
A reader has kindly made an eSword version of Targum Lamentations available. I do not use this tool myself, but Jonathan’s directions were these: I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get this to you. I have attached the E-Sword file for you of your Targum. The file […]