For those teaching in the US what can and cannot be released to people other than students (e.g., parents!) is detailed in a guideline referred to as “FERPA,” The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The short is, you can’t tell anyone but the student anything. As a dean I […]
I have been intending to submit a paper, but I confess I have not. So Jeremy’s notice buys me more time to procrastinate! No! Get your papers submitted now! Dear Colleagues, I wanted to take a moment to remind you once again to keep the submissions coming for our 2009 […]
This is an amazing Shockwave production showing in 90 seconds the ebb and flow of empires in the region of the Mediterranean basin and beyond. Sure, we can (and I hope some will) quibble about the details but I think this will give a nice broad sense of the region […]
Douglas Mangum of Biblia Hebraica has a nice listing of Bibliobloggers presenting at SBL. It is quite a list! We were working a Biblioblogger get together but so far we have not had much luck. I will keep you posted! In the meantime, do check out the growing list of […]
You may be familiar with NPR’s resurrection of the program “This I Believe.” I have been meaning to write an essay on this topic and this week I finally found some time to do that during my trip. I still need to trim this down below 500 words (it is […]
I am currently at the convention of the National Collegiate Honors Council. As you can imagine, when a group of educators get together we tend to talk about educational and therefore social concerns. Last night was our annual dinner with our CIC colleagues and I again shared my thoughts on […]
The Economist has a short article on a new edition of the Talmud. I haven’t spent much time with this so I am not sure how it is revolutionizing Talmud study… For Orthodox Jews, lifelong study of the Talmud is the supreme religious precept. But for many earnest students through […]
Stephen Cook has a great series of discussions going on over at Biblishe Ausbildung regarding the above mentioned topic. I am working my way through it now and I think I am in agreement with Cook against Wrong. I have some thoughts on this topic and hope to share them […]
From our beloved IOTS President Willem Smelik: Dear members of the IOTS and other interested parties, The IOTS has long discussed the desirability of new editions of (most of) the Targums. A first task, the collection of data on targumic manuscripts, has already started and has come to a promising, […]
Who made these up? Why is it that biblical book abbreviations do not have periods and are not italicized but rabbinic works are? E.g., “We find in Exod 3:15 that… whereas in Exod. Rab. we find….” My current frustration (the hobgoblin of this little mind) is what to do with […]