To all those who enjoy the Biblical Studies Carnivals and care what is represented in them I encourage you to go over to Daniel McClellan’s site and post or email him your suggestions. I may send some links, but I won’t be hosting any more carnivals. I know this topic […]
I am trying to better integrate my workflow and one of the challenges is that I now have several blogs to which I post and sometimes I want the same post on all the blogs (some people only go to one blog. I know! Can you imagine?). MarsEdit is a […]
Well, my site may not be as popular as our reigning #1 Biblioblogger, but I think I have figured out why I fare so poorly in the Alexa rankings. It isn’t that I am blogging far less frequently or that people aren’t interested in what I have to say (well, […]
The Chronicle of Higher Education blog ProfHacker put me on to a great WP plugin that makes your site look and work like Flipboard, a great magazine like news-reading experience for the iPad. I have it running now, what do you think? OnSwipe describes itself as “a platform that makes […]
. I admit that I have not kept up with all the changes with the latest season of “So you think you can blog?” I am pleased and honored however to have been voted into the January 2011 Top 10 Biblioblogs list (and to remain, barely, in the Top 50 […]
This post is a reply to an excellent post from a student in our Presidential Leadership Academy, “Metabloging, pt. 2.” Students who are enrolled in this three year program have one continuous assignment, to blog once a week during the fall and spring semesters. The goal, as you will gather […]
While like Ed I have been reflecting upon the slowdown of my blog posting (and really wondering if I should really be considered a “biblioblogger” anymore or not), I should at least pop back online to point you to his annual “best of” list, the Ralphies. My oldest surviving post […]
This is the final podcast from the 2010 SBL session on blogging and online publication. The presenter is Robert Cargill. S22-209 Blogger and Online Publication 11/22/2010 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM Room: A702 – Marriott Marquis Theme: The Past, Present, and Future of Blogging and Online Publication Robert R. Cargill, University […]
There were several opportunities for bibliobloggers to get together for food and fellowship, as they say. I managed to only take a couple of pics, two from lunch and one of Bob Cargill attempting to snap a shot of our booth at dinner. Cb.