Douglas Mangum of Biblia Hebraica has a nice listing of Bibliobloggers presenting at SBL. It is quite a list! We were working a Biblioblogger get together but so far we have not had much luck. I will keep you posted! In the meantime, do check out the growing list of […]
…to blog. Things will slow down a bit in the middle of the week, but next week I am on the road again. I have some news to report and thoughts I wanted to share but that will have to wait. In the meantime, a little monarchical humor. Get it? […]
There is a new update that brings a surprising amount of new and useful features. And I have just successfully upgraded! But be aware, I am told some folks are reporting problems.
JP has posted a search plugin for FF 3.0 that will allow one to search all the biblioblogs on this list . It is a wonderful tool and I am very grateful for it! (As an aside, if you are on Mac using NetNewsWire as a reader, which is now […]
Testing a WordPress plugin called “Smart YouTube” for, you guessed it, adding YouTube videos to the blog with full functionality. (BTW, I have no idea what this song is about, but the video is very cool. Apparently “pikapika” is an onomatopoeia in Japanese for “electric sparkling” hence the images in […]
Yesterday Dr. Jim West gave a long response to my earlier post contemplating how it is that we (I) write. As is his open style, Jim was very forthright with his opinions and as a result has in turn offered a post very much worth of comment. With what authority […]
Reading Jim’s posts about and from Emil Brunner [that blog link is now dead] has me again pondering how I write. Since beginning to blog about 4 years ago (initially anonymously) I have thought carefully and often about how I write, what perspective I take, voice, tone, and language. Dean […]