I heard an excellent paper yesterday on Job. Unfortunately I missed the beginning due to meetings and so I did not have the full context, but there were a number of perceptive observations along the way. One that I took note of was a distinction he was making between “Death […]
Monthly Archives: February 2014
This phrase has been annoying many of us for quite some time now. Urban Dictionary has a concise, if rude, definition. Used often in the business world, this incredibly versatile phrase can be literally translated as “f*** it.” UD didn’t censure itself, of course. All too often it is used […]
Well, it is really just about the Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock. Produced by Jorge Cham of PhD Comics. Archaeology Grad Student Nir Ortal explains the brief 3000 year old history of the Temple Mount in The Old City of Jerusalem. v
I first “met” Peter Chattaway on an old school listserv for Daniel Amos, one of my favorite bands. He is a very accomplished film critic from the Great White North and is well worth following to read his take on movies, theology, and culture. (Be sure to check out his tear […]
Aside from the fact that it is as addictive as a bag of kettle chips. On Monday I recorded a podcast with one of my students who is a Jr. National curler, Phil Mack. Give it a listen! After a quip on twitter from me, enquiring of @CoachBrandwene whether or not we […]
It is interesting to me that the most viewed publication of mine on Academia.edu is my master’s thesis, “Joseph, Dreams, And Interpretation: A Study of the Stylistic and Rhetorical Features of the Dreams in the Joseph Narrative.” This was submitted for approval 20 years ago this May. (I submitted my […]
We had a wonderful Valentine’s Day with our friends the Cobes on Friday evening. Yesterday Elizabeth wrote a wonderful reflection on our love and loss. It begins, “Something quite unexpected has happened. It came this morning early. For various reasons, not in themselves at all mysterious, my heart was lighter […]
I have assigned The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership for the students in our Presidential Leadership Academy. It is an easy read with a lot of good observations from Steve Sample, former President of the University of Buffalo and the University of Southern California. In one chapter, “You Are What You Read,” he […]