Most of you know that I love photography. There is an old saying that the best camera is the one you have with you and my iPhone is constantly with me. And I have to say that the iPhone 4 has a pretty decent 5MP camera. It is not great, […]
Monthly Archives: April 2011
I ended on a rant, so I added “(and movies)” to the article title. Feel free to skip down to the actual political cartoon. So MSBNC and political cartoonist have a blog, the aptly named Cartoon Blog. I read it regularly and most Christmases, for example, I do a roundup of […]
Go on, be offended, I know someone will be. But I thought it was funny. (And feel free to insert your favorite scorer following. As in, “Jesus saves! Crosby scores on the rebound!”)
This post, like the previous one on Paul last week, is part of my larger devotional study Characters of God. This was presented this past Sunday, Palm Sunday. Characters of God is primarily about the flawed nature of biblical figures, how we can relate to and what we can learn […]
Not terribly useful given that it will direct you to this site, but kind of cool: Make your own at QR-Code Generator. Now, for those wondering what this is for, if you have a smart phone there is a free app out there with which you can take a picture […]
Frankly, these debates exhaust me and I have little use or time for wading through the morass of words generated by all combatants. This was a very nice article, however, from Michael Ruse on the Chronicle of Higher Education, an atheist against the New Atheists. A snippet: Most of all […]