This week I have taken a quick trip out to the west coast to meet with a friend of Penn State and the SHC. I have to say that the more I come out here the more I like California…well, parts of it. Of course I suppose you can say […]
I did not have a lot of time on my trip to take many photos, but last Tuesday morning was foggy and beautiful. Feel free to peruse the set – Oxford 2011.
When I was being shown around Freiburg last week my guide actually stumbled and then stopped and pointed to be the “Stolperstein” upon which she had halted. This term literally translates as a “stumbling stone” and is a small concrete cube covered in brass that is etched with the name […]
Many of my colleagues have already left for SBL in Atlanta but I will be unable to travel until Saturday morning…early, very early Saturday morning. That being said, I likely travel more than most since my job as a dean requires frequent trips to develop donors and recruits. Just last […]
On business in the Big Apple visiting with board members and recruiting. This is the view from the top of the Thomson Reuters building. Not bad, eh?
even veteran air travelers get motion sick occasionally. I was so encouraged! (This is from the university airplane that I flew on last week. I am vaguely reassured that they still have the original 1970s era airsick bag in the seats. Then again, the oddly drawn impish figure running with […]
I spent last Saturday and Sunday traveling to Helsinki. Saturday I start the return trip. I have a few observations from my sleepless 24 hours. When using an airplane bathroom always follow a woman. Some men forget to sit while in flight. No matter where you are in the world, […]
[Still procrastinating…] I was drawn to this Wired article by the title, Russian Cosmonaut’s Blog Much Funnier Than NASA. But it was the flying cross that caught my attention. Cool, eh? The blog, as translated by Russia Today, includes pictures from the ISS — and covers a much different array of […]
This past Sunday and Monday I was in The City with 28 of our students. We had a furious pace, from dim sum in Chinatown to a tour of the Stock Exchange, but it was a tremendous experience for the students. I learned a LOT about the financial world as […]
Yesterday and today I am in NYC with one of our classes. Yesterday we had dim sum at one of the most amazing restaurants in…the world? Maybe. Jing Fong (more pictures once I get back home):