Yesterday the 5th grade class went for a 4 mile hike up Tussey Mountain. I of course took my camera and was last to come down the mountain. 😉 Here is one shot, just click on it to see more from the set. A walk in the woods
but sadly, not a very restful one. I was in Chicago Friday and Saturday and flew back Saturday evening. From Dulles to State College was the second worst flight I have ever been on. 35 minutes of unbelievable turbulance. I don’t get on roller coasters for a reason and having […]
After a very long day of travel yesterday (landed well after midnight) I am in South Carolina for the next couple of days. I should have some time in the hotel to write which means I will likely procrastinate by blogging.
We made it home from SBL and I will report more later on. But first…I thought I would share with you this picture. We were listening to XM35 “Holly” Christmas songs on the way home. Our radio display resulted in the song title being truncated, but it sort of fits […]
After a bumpy landing in DC on my way from Louisville I made it safe and sound in Boston. (The flight from Reagan to Logan was actually very smooth.) It was nice to see the banners welcoming us to the city…but I couldn’t help but wonder if our dues are […]
I am packing up this morning and headed to the Louisville airport. I should arrive in Boston about 3 pm (barring any delays in Reagan National, always a possibility). This morning John Hobbins reminded us all of Michael Halcomb’s invitation for dinner on Sunday night. I somehow managed not to […]
I have spent the majority of this day flying. It is currently 8:40 pm and I still have a 2:47 minute flight ahead of me. As the last flight was preparing for landing I had a George Carlin moment. The flight attendant came on the speaker and spoke the usual […]
I have been in DC since Sunday night with our class visiting the Center for Strategic and International Studies. We had an amazing day yesterday and I was able to top it off with a cold beverage and chatting with Ed Cook. Good times. Then, after a lovely meal, I […]
…in one convenient location. Seen on Rt. 1 heading into Rehoboth Beach, DE. Let me be the first (at just before midnight) to wish you a happy 4th of July!
Got the Vespa on the carrier and ready to go. (And sadly, it will likely stay there. It was won, after all, by the family and the deal was it will stay at the grandparents beach house.) Have a great 4th of July everyone! I will likely blog during the […]