I am very pleased to announce that the first post and podcast of Sacred Techs are now up! (The podcast is even available via iTunes.) This site is a collaboration between myself and Dr. Robert Cargill. We describe the site as, “posts and podcasts relevant to the study of things ancient […]
Last night I gave a presentation at Penn State about how one can use the iPad for school work, whether that is as a student taking notes in class or an academic researcher. There are also two student presentations that are well worth watching (perhaps more than my own presentation). […]
This is a bit geeky, but maybe some of you have found need of this as well. Sometimes I want to copy the path of a folder or file in the Finder in the Mac OS (in this case Lion). For example, I might want to describe where you should […]
Those who know me, follow this blog, or even visit my office know that I have used Apple products for quite some time. Even in those dark years when Steve Jobs was not at the helm I used Apple products, mostly because they were still the easiest and best machine […]
You have no doubt noticed lately on my blog that there have been posts with but a single picture and a few words accompanying the image. I am using the now widely used app Instagram, coupled with Posterous. The first allows you to run your image through a few funky […]
I first posted this picture this weekend, but the full version makes such a nice wallpaper on my iOS devices and my Mac that I thought I would add the link to the full-size image on flickr. Click on the image below (which is a full 1936 x 1296) or […]
This post is my first to the summer project Digital Research in the Liberal Arts. It summarizes some of my prior posts made on the subject of iPad use and research. I have been fortunate enough to have had an iPad since they first came out. (As an aside, as […]
In yesterday’s post I commented that it was coming soon, well by evening it was released and available in the App store. Accordance for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad is now available for FREE. I only saw it at 11:30 pm so I have had little time to play with it […]
UPDATE: In case you are coming directly to this link be sure to also see my post on Sente bibliographic software for Mac and iPad and further updates on using the iPad for research. If you are like several of my friends you may have just gotten an iPad or […]