Those who know me, follow this blog, or even visit my office know that I have used Apple products for quite some time. Even in those dark years when Steve Jobs was not at the helm I used Apple products, mostly because they were still the easiest and best machine […]
Steve Jobs
When you have Steve Jobs and the title “iGod” how can I not blog on it? Please head over to TUAW for the news brief and then NYMag for the story. Steve Jobs profile in New York magazine – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) Steve Jobs profile in New York […]
Anyone in the Windows world going to jump on this wagon? For more on the Steveness’ WWDC Keynote see Engadget’s coverage.
Things that make you go “hmmmm.” I have to say that I am not close enough to K-12 in PA yet to know the details of teacher unions, but I can say that in NOLA they were not very helpful at improving the schools. Jobs Blasts Teachers Unions Filed under: […]
An open letter from the man himself. When you consider that the majority of music is still (apparently) sold via CD and that those are then “ripped” the whole DRM concern/model makes little sense. Go man, go.
Well worth the read. Time Gets Background Story on the iPhone – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) As usual Time magazine seems to have gotten a bit of a sneak peak of a hot new Apple product. In this nice writeup, Lev Grossman discusses some of the background behind the […]
To keep the iPhone debate going… WSJ asks: Will the iPhone be a hit or a flop? Filed under: Macworld, Analysis / Opinion, Cult of Mac, Surveys and Polls, iPhone I thought online polls where strictly blog territory, but it seems that august publications like the Wall Street Journal are […]
(And getting one of those iPhones from Mr. Bourne.) As an aside, Mr. Bourne rocks! I sent him an email (well, to his site) asking for suggestions for mics and things and HE replied! Within 2 hours, no less. Rock solid. MacBreak Weekly taping tonight at 21st Amendment MacBreak […]