(And getting one of those iPhones from Mr. Bourne.) As an aside, Mr. Bourne rocks! I sent him an email (well, to his site) asking for suggestions for mics and things and HE replied! Within 2 hours, no less. Rock solid.
MacBreak Weekly taping tonight at 21st Amendment
Upcoming.org: MacBreak Weekly Live @ 21st Amendment at 21st Amendment (Tuesday, January 9, 2007)
Directions to 21A, from Moscone Center
Just a reminder that tonight’s live taping of MacBreak Weekly takes place at 21st Amendment starting at 6pm. If you’re planning to come to the taping, my advice is to get there early, because we’re anticipating a capacity audience (that’s a big reason everyone agreed it was better not to do this event at the Apple Store on Steve Day).
Leo, Alex, Scott, and I will be discussing today’s announcements and may even have some guests.
A propos of nothing, I will also take this opportunity to remind Mr. Bourne of his (often repeated) promise to buy everyone on MBW an iPhone on the day that they come out. Just saying.
If you come out tonight or see me on the Macworld show floor with MacBreak today, please say hi and introduce yourself.
macs & os x, admin, alex lindsay, apple, apple, macs & os x, elsewhere, leo laporte, macbreak appearances, macbreak weekly, macintosh, macworld, merlin mann, mwsf, mwsf07, os x, pixelcorps, podcasts, san francisco, scott bourne, twit.tv
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UPDATE: Linked via TWiT’s blog! Huzzah!