Monthly Archives: February 2009
Because the Episcopal church doesn’t have enough to contend with these days. These links are forwarded (with permission) from “StandFirm.” This is a conservative site, “Traditional Anglicanism in America,” so you already know their angle, but you have to admit…this seems more than a bit silly. Are their no Christian […]
UPDATE: Just one more day! The deadline is February 28th! A gentle reminder that we have one more week to submit paper proposals for SBL 2009. The conference will be in my old stomping grounds of New Orleans. I interviewed for my Tulane job during the last SBL meeting in […]
This video was prepared by the Lion Scouts and is a great reminder of what was just accomplished this past week at Penn State. httpv://
THON ended this past Sunday with the students having raised $7.49 million (yes million) this year alone! I will be editing (I hope) my podcast this weekend, but in the meantime the pictures are up. As a refresher, THON is the largest student philanthropy in the world and raises its […]
In class this passed Tuesday in which we were discussing Samuel and the rise of the monarchy a very sharp student asked why/how God could “regret” having made Saul king since God was all-knowing (1 Sam. 15:10 and 1 Sam. 2:3 respectively). I gave my usual, admittedly overly-simplified comment, that […]
This is very tempting, but I wonder how many folks will have the funds to go. 2009 International Meeting Celebrating the Centenary of Pontifical Biblical Institute Pontifical Gregorian University Rome, Italy 30 June – 4 July, 2009 This morning I received the program for The Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea […]
Anna Blanch of Goannatree is doing a review of the Top 100 Theology blogs listed by I was honored to be in their list and that Anna reviewed my blog. My marks were even pretty good! Making the Grade: Scope – A- Quality – B+ She does, however, point […]