By now you have no doubt heard about Sarah Palin’s comments in the wake of the Arizona shootings. A little background is that Ms. Palin’s political action committee website had a map of the use with sniper scope images over certain districts, including Arizona, that they were “targeting” in the […]
The Jerusalem Post (in a section that is in this instance oddly titled “Iranian Threat”) reports that Google Earth images reveal that the Iran Air headquarters has a Star of David on its roof. The building was built prior to the revolution by Israeli engineers and the Jewish symbol has […]
I am just not sure what to make of this. I am strongly in support of civil rights and equality and against discrimination but this… Well, you tell me, what do you think? A civil rights complaint has been filed against a woman in Grand Rapids, Mich., who posted an […]
I suppose one’s symbolism is as good as another’s but still, this strikes me as a bit silly. (It is better than what I thought when I read the headline, however, which was that they were standing outside of services and “drying” people off as they left the church.) U.S. […]
“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.” Eccl. 1:9 (NRSV) Today SBL members (and no doubt AAR members, but I dropped that membership a few years ago…) received a letter announcing that the old order […]
My brother is an ardent conservative and rarely dips into biblical themes or concerns, but today he had a very interesting post. I will reserve comment and simply suggest that you take a look. His argument: First, the liberal ideal of caring for those around you is not only a […]
UPDATE: I just noticed that this is my 2,000 post. Somewhat fitting, don’t you think? It combines all of my interests (aside from technology) into one post: comics, religion and politics, a delicious mélange! You all know my penchant for comics and politics so it is no surprise that when […]
Is anyone else annoyed by the use of the phrase “date certain” with respect to troop withdrawals? Why not simply refer to it as a “certain date”?
A colleague of mine each week sends me the Weekly Standard’s “Parody.” For those who are not familiar with TWS it is a very conservative magazine, edited by Bill Kristol. This week the feature is “Not a Parody” and I think is pretty fair. They begin with a quote from […]
From Ken Catalino. This is clearly a comic about healthcare BUT who would like to say that it is also a less than subtle suggestion of Obama’s messianic calling?