If you are interested in using digital tools in your research (and you must be since you are reading blogs, right?) then head on over to this new blog. It will follow the discussion and progress of a group of faculty from the College of Liberal Arts at Penn State. […]
In yesterday’s post I commented that it was coming soon, well by evening it was released and available in the App store. Accordance for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad is now available for FREE. I only saw it at 11:30 pm so I have had little time to play with it […]
UPDATE: In case you are coming directly to this link be sure to also see my post on Sente bibliographic software for Mac and iPad and further updates on using the iPad for research. If you are like several of my friends you may have just gotten an iPad or […]
iOS 4.2 update for iOS devices came with some much hyped features. AirPrint, unless you have one of three printers, is effectively DOA, while AirPlay “just works.” In fact, AirPlay works a little too well. The premise is simple. You can have the audio or video from your iPad or […]
The iOS 4.2.1 update for the iPad brings a number of goodies that we have long enjoyed 0n the iPhone. One that I had been particularly eager to use is Hebrew input! First impression: Very nice! It seems to work across all apps, but some handle it better than others […]
Just a reminder that if you want to also follow what I share via Google Reader you may: http://www.google.com/reader/shared/prof.brady You do not need to use Google Reader, by the way, to see my shared items or even to use the GR features. Or at least you don’t need to use GR […]
Over the last few months many students and several of my administrative colleagues have acquired iPads and have been asking how I use the device to best effect. This post is an answer to that request and I hope it will be useful for others. Dropbox – The first thing […]
I was put on to this by The Unofficial Apple Weblog and will quote most of the story below. The gist is that National Association of Scholars felt that many of the books recommended for summer reading by colleges and universities just weren’t up to snuff. The result is their […]
Thanks to @Josh_Hepworth I now know that Apple has announced that Hebrew support will be included in the iOS 4.2 update. http://www.apple.com/ipad/software-update/
In order to make sure I have access to my files and programs on the road I set up VNC on my office MacPro. This is all built in to the MacOS (and Win XP and 7 I believe) but not into the iPad. After much deliberation I purchased iTeleport […]