My prior post about Gen. 3 and how (and why) Eve and Adam realize that they are naked has generated a lot of excellent comments. Please do be sure to read them all. A number of comments are addressing the origin of evil and I wanted to remind folks of […]
Two-thirds of the way through the semester in my course on Gen. 1-3 and we finally have gotten to that moment when the fruit has been eaten. Yesterday we discussed exactly what happens when Eve and Adam “who was with her” ate of that pesky pear. You recall that the […]
This morning was a short homily due to other items in the service. As you may be able to guess Gen. 1-3 has been on my mind lately so I took a bit of a liberty to bring it in to the lectionary for today. If you are patient you […]
I have not had a lot of time to read or write blog posts, but Matt linked to a Genesis comment and shared and thus I became aware of his very interesting blog The Welcome Matt. It looks like it will be well worth reading. A sample on Genesis 2 […]
In my class on Gen. 1-3 we still haven’t gotten to verse 27, but we have had an interesting exchange regarding how God created things. This is a very general and intro class but there is one undergraduate who is in his 3rd semester of biblical Hebrew and made an […]
Just a simple, quick question, right? I am teaching Gen. 1-3 this semester, just a 1-credit course, but needless to say full of discussion. (I have not even gotten to Day 6 yet and we are five weeks in.) During our discussion a few weeks ago the question of why […]
Of the semester things are always a bit frantic. This semester I am teaching a mere 1 credit course, “Genesis 1-3.” The reason for the topic is because it usually takes me a month to get out of chapter 3 even when I am teaching Intro to Hebrew Bible. The […]
Or why didn’t God realize that the sheep weren’t going to do it for the Man? Gen. 2.18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.” 19 So out of the ground the LORD […]
Gen. 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being. 8 And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom […]
Tonight I was at a campus function where the guest speaker, seeking to motivate the students, said a remarkable thing. We are the only creatures that God created who are restless, we are the only creatures who have ambition. …It is part of our having been made in the image […]