I was not able to finish my post on Gen. 1 for today, however I did come across this timely comic. Enjoy.
In continuing my some-what rambling study of the opening chapters of Genesis I want to begin by thanking Daniel McClellan and John Hobbins for noting and commenting on this series. As I noted on John’s blog, this kind of engagement is incredibly refreshing to me. As a dean I spend […]
Following my post yesterday David Everson passed along this good news: Daniel O. McClellan has a link to an online pdf download of Rendsburg’s book. Here is the actual page: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=236&Itemid=5 That link is now defunct, use this: http://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/redaction-of-genesis Here is the blog: http://maklelan.blogspot.com/2009/01/gary-rendsburgs-redaction-of-genesis.html This is a slim but very good […]
Perhaps it can be more fruitful to begin discussing what Genesis 1 is by considering what it is not. Genesis 1 is not a guide on how to create your cosmos. This first chapter of the Bible is about many things, but it is clearly not presenting a scientific treatise, […]
Last week an email from a friend spurred me on to write a few thoughts about Gen. 1:1 and whether or not creation therein described as ex nihilo. There was enough encouragement in the comments for me to think about the topic some more and take up my digital pen […]
This began as an email reply to my old college friend who came across this recent interview with John Walton on Jesus Creed. That link is the third in a series of interviews with Walton based upon his book In the Beginning, God: Creation, Culture, and the Spiritual Life. I […]
On Friday we began a discussion of Gen. 3:6 and whether or Eve’s husband was “with her” when she gave him the fruit. This morning I have access to my commentaries and can give a quick run down on their thoughts on the relevant passage, including their lack of comments […]