I just received the digital offprint, available here. This was a germ of an idea in a paper I submitted for an independent research class with Dr. Barry Strauss in my senior year at Cornell way back in 1991. (Yes, I had multiple senior years.) This article is part of […]
1 Maccabees
I am looking forward to heading to Vienna this weekend for next week’s International SBL. I will be presenting in the Hebrews section. I posted a summary of my paper already, “Hebrews 11 is a Midrash of 1 Macc. 2.” To save you the trouble of clicking the link, I […]
I am very pleased that my paper on 1 Macc 2 and Hebrews 11 has been accepted for International SBL this summer! It looks like a great pair of sessions on Hebrews. I also presented a draft of this paper on Tuesday at the PhD colloquium at Southeastern Baptist Theological […]
UPDATED – Excursus below. That is overstating the case and an example of really bibliogeeky link baiting. (Can we have a competition to see who has the geekiest or the worst?) But it does convey the sense of what I think is going on. As I posted earlier, I have […]
The International SBL is in Vienna this summer and I have just submitted my proposal to the Epistle of Hebrews session (and actually finished writing the paper!). This is something I have been thinking about for twenty years or so. It will be interesting to see what sort of response […]