Sermon at Good Shepherd Lexington from Sunday, August 25, 2019. As always, the audio is an expansive version of the text below. Proper 16 (21) (August 25, 2019)First reading and Psalm • Jeremiah 1:4-10; Psalm 71:1-6 Second reading • Hebrews 12:18-29 Gospel • Luke 13:10-17 For “you have come to Mount […]
I just received the digital offprint, available here. This was a germ of an idea in a paper I submitted for an independent research class with Dr. Barry Strauss in my senior year at Cornell way back in 1991. (Yes, I had multiple senior years.) This article is part of […]
I am looking forward to heading to Vienna this weekend for next week’s International SBL. I will be presenting in the Hebrews section. I posted a summary of my paper already, “Hebrews 11 is a Midrash of 1 Macc. 2.” To save you the trouble of clicking the link, I […]
UPDATED – Excursus below. That is overstating the case and an example of really bibliogeeky link baiting. (Can we have a competition to see who has the geekiest or the worst?) But it does convey the sense of what I think is going on. As I posted earlier, I have […]