Thinking more broadly about technology and biblical studies

You may have read my “modest proposal for assessing digital biblical studies.” My focus there was on issues relating primarily to promotion and tenure, the coin of the realm for academia, and how we as a discipline can properly assess and present the emerging digital production for P&T committees. Technology is impacting our field in far more ways than simply blogs and online journals. Think about everything from our desire to have free (or affordable) WiFi and digital projectors at the SBL conference to the use of social media and things like Skype for collaboration.

I know a lot of folks in the biblioblogosphere, obviously I immediately think of the usual suspects such as Bob Cargill and James McGrath, to name only two, but I don’t know as many who are working in publishing or libraries. I don’t know many in our fields who are savvy to other areas of emerging technology as related to biblical studies. So I would like your help… I don’t know what I don’t know. I have two questions (feel free to add more):

  1. What areas of technology do you feel are or will impact our field(s)?
  2. Who in biblical studies is currently and actively engaging in such areas?


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