This is truly sad news. Stephen Cook is reporting that Prof. Michael O’Connor, perhaps best known for co-authoring the magnificent work Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax with Bruce Waltke, has died of cancer. He was a great scholar and will be sorely missed. Let light perpetual shine upon him. Biblische […]
Monthly Archives: June 2007
Two months ago we had a gala dinner to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Schreyer Honors College. It was a great evening with wonderful people, especially the students (to get a sense of the amazing students I am bless to work with be sure to check […]
Via Amber Mac. Jakob Nielson would be proud of this sign I snapped this photo on my Blackberry while driving by an Anglican church on Woodbine Ave. in Toronto, Ontario.Old-school usability guru Jakob Nielson would be lovin’ the user-friendly church-goin’ message!
One of the most amazing women in recent history died. My concern is that she will not be remembered for her strength (she told Billy that if he ran for president she would leave him and then no one would vote for a divorced man) but for her decisions that […]
This is just too funny and must be posted in full. Please do the right thing and check out Michael’s Site Euangelion. Top Ten Funny Things I’d Like to see at SBL I know it is earlier than my normal rant about SBL. But here are ten strange, funny, and […]
Two of my favorite musicians were performing at Biola. Fred Sanders has a report. Two Lost Dogs Bark in Berkeley | Scriptorium Daily Last Thursday (June 7, 2007), Terry Taylor and Mike Roe, two members of the Lost Dogs, played an intimate acoustic concert for a group of Biola students […]
Did you know – that if your headset comes out of your iPod the iPod will stop playing? I was painting Izzy’s room tonight, listening to MacBreak Weekly and TWiT, when the earbuds snagged on something. Out it popped. When I plugged in I realized that the iPod had stopped […]
For now I am just going to post Jim’s list of verses and comments. I have been wrestling with all of this since I started working on Lamentations back in 1994. In my view Lam deals with theodicy not by offering a discourse or analysis of the problem and possible […]
Jeffrey Zeldman did a retrospective on the 12th (!) Anniversary of his site. Be sure to check out “The Ad Graveyard (real ads that almost ran, 1995–1998).” WARNING: Potentially offensive (but very funny) images and language.
Anyone in the Windows world going to jump on this wagon? For more on the Steveness’ WWDC Keynote see Engadget’s coverage.