It starts, as it often does on my blog, with a Bizarro comic: It makes me think and wonder. On the one hand, it does seem that the last twenty years and the overwhelming success of the internet has brought about a change in our behavior, a move towards the […]
I was reminded of this comic this morning. Originally posted in June 2007 it still holds true today. 🙂 From Kudzu, by Doug Marlette
On this date in history I was born. And in 1882 Oscar Wilde was ridiculed in Harper’s Weekly. One of the quotes in the NYTimes’ summary of Wilde’s trip to the US caught my attention. “It is not increased moral sense your literature needs. Indeed we should never talk of […]
Things are coming together for our conference at PSU regarding religious and ethical dimensions of climate change. I will be a panelist and I am looking forward to it! From the conference website: Conference: October 7–8, 2009 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center The Pennsylvania State University All events are free and open […]
Wired and others are reporting that Gov. Sarah Palin’s email was hacked by the group known as “Anonymous.” Wikileaks has posted much of the material here, where you can see screenshots of her email accounts, etc. I have lots of questions such as why they (Wikileaks? Anonymous?) chose to post […]
I was again asked to speak at the Peace Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Below is the text of my speech. The Collegian ran an article today about the event as well. It is an honor and a privilege to speak to you today. Over the […]
I have been looking into this program for a while and now that they will do a “buy one give one” program this November ($399 will get you an XO laptop and give one to a child in a developing country) my interest is piqued again. Coincidentally, as I was […]
One of the most amazing women in recent history died. My concern is that she will not be remembered for her strength (she told Billy that if he ran for president she would leave him and then no one would vote for a divorced man) but for her decisions that […]
I am starting a new category today, “ethics.” At the SHC we are focusing more on developing leaders who will be ethical in their outlook. One of the challenges is how to define “ethics” (and is it any different than “morals”?) and how to integrate that into the curriculum and […]