Morning Prayer today has as its OT reading Wisdom 2. I have not read the Wisdom of Solomon for many years. Given what I have recently been writing on, specifically Ecclesiastes, this chapter stuck out to me. It reads, in part, 2:1 For they reasoned unsoundly, saying to themselves,“Short […]
3 posts
Continuing the text of the talk I presented at Cornell on 11 April 2015, “My God, my God, Why Have You Forsaken Me? A Biblical Response to Loss and Catastrophe.” There [Lamentations] we have what would seem to be a clear-cut argument: we sin and we suffer as God punishes us. […]
Jef Mallett’s titular character “Frazz” is a janitor, song writer, and triathlete. If you are unfamiliar with his work, it really is great. He is witty, smart, and insightful. To be fair, sometimes too much so as it borders on preaching. You would be forgiven for thinking that this was […]