Many of you know that last year I was the interim rector of an Episcopal parish going through transition. Requiring an interim is one of the better things that the Episcopal church does, and the thoughtful review and reflection process is another. This year I took up a new role […]
I admit my own ignorance, I have never known about this cleric and scholar until today. The Commemoration for Morning Prayer was for Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626), Bishop of Winchester. His feast day was the 25th of September. [Andrewes] was on the committee of scholars that produced the King James Translation of […]
We visited the Aachener Dom, the Aachen Cathedral, built by Charlemagne and his final resting place. We also went to the Schatzkammer, the treasure house. It held many beautiful and a few weird things. Below are three images from a large altar piece card out of wood. The proportions are […]
Today, in an effort to escape the 100º heat in Freiburg we drove up to Schluchsee, a beautiful lake in the Schwarzwald. What I did not expect was the Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus. From the outside it appears a fairly traditional looking church, with a large wooden structure. The first hint […]