But my 8 year old is up to the challenge. They played a great set of four games a tournament this weekend. My son is GK and in this sequence the other player had a fast break. My boy came forward and stuffed the play and was back up to […]
This winter break I was fortunate enough to have access to one of the teaching studios on campus. I had a ton of fun with the family and a special session with my son (and his LEGOs). These are the three of the family that my wife likes the most and […]
Last night I had the pleasure of meeting with a group of Penn Staters from HP, one of whom has become a friend over the last few years. His son has just entered Kindergarten and he is already reading. This is becoming more and more common, that children should be […]
I am discovering what some of you probably already know. Having a pre-teen (and I suspect teenage) daughter is like dating all over again. I worry, will she like me? Will she be my friend on Facebook? Why won’t she return my calls? I of course know that I cannot […]
I have been a bit hesitant to share this openly on the blog since it transparently comes from current circumstances in my own life, however a recent discussion with some close friends and being shown a blog post directly on this topic at the Christian Monist has me wanting to […]
If you follow my blog at all you will know there hasn’t been much to follow as of late. And this semester is always busy for me with with graduation for honors students, recruitment of new students, and this year I was chairing the search for one Dean while we […]
I have been more than a little under the weather this weekend, but decided to break out of the funk by helping Da Mackster set up more of his LEGOs for a photo shoot. These are from the LEGO City set. Here you can see his firehouse and the Chief […]
Actually, I just documented it. Our 6 year old son, a LEGO fiend received has last birthday present earlier this week, a full Ferrari F1 travel and pit crew. (With Schumacher going to Mercedes, this may be their last successful outing.) You can see in the background the stacked up […]
I posted this the last few years and thought it worth sharing again. It is a fun story, even for those dads lacking in facial hair. I share parts of a fun Christmas story for kids. Mooseltoe by Margie Palatini, Henry Cole (Illustrator). Oops! I just realized I said, “Welcome […]