And so the triennial meeting of IOSOT/IOTS/IOQS (and the other associated groups) is coming to an end. As usual I have not been to all the sessions I would have liked or seen all the sights I had hoped to see but at least I have this afternoon to remedy the latter! It was a wonderful conference in a tremendous city. The folks from U of Helsinki did an incredible job organizing this incredibly complex set of meetings and in just over an hour they will announce where it will be in 2013. Stay tuned!
In the meantime for those who are interested I have placed my notes from the papers I did attend on a shared folder in Evernote. I am not sure how long I will leave it available, but in the meantime you can read them here. (I will do a post another time on how valuable the free Evernote is for note taking and research.) And don’t forget, you can see my Helsinki pictures on my flickr account.
4 thoughts on “All good things must come to an end”
Hi Chris,
I enjoyed reading through your notes on the lectures you went to, and I am intrigued by evernote. Other bloggers have shared pdfs with me via Dropbox, and it seems that evernote has bought out dropbox with the goal of integration.
Here are some technical difficulties.
(1) If the JPEG (which I assume you made with a digital camera) has little or no margin at the top, part of the top is cropped even with the “fit to page” on.
(2) Some of the JPEGS are blurry in general (the Shinan handout) or in a particular (Stammaim in the Smelik handout)
I am mostly baffled by the technology and software I already own but I’m wondering if there is a portable scanner one might buy to carry around to meetings such that handouts could be PDFed and searchable, at least for Roman letters – though I really want them to be searchable for Hebrew script as well. This is probably a dumb question but it is where I am at.
Thanks for this; I enjoyed the massive pdf of the entire conference the most. So many interesting papers I would have gone to listen to.
Thanks John. The pictures were taken with my iPhone, so their quality is limited. It is supposed to now be text searchable since Evernote is suppose to OCR it on their servers. I did my best and I think they are generally readable. There are very small portable scanners out now so you certainly could do that.
I think they are relatively inexpensive, a quick search on Amazon shows that the Genius Colorpage-SF600 Sheet fed Scanner
is under $85 and most are under $150. In fact, IRIScan makes Hebrew OCR software and has a portable scanner for $120 (Genius Colorpage-SF600 Sheet fed Scanner
) I am going to guess that you will have to pay extra for the Hebrew OCR, but I don’t know.
At any rate, I love DropBox and use it extensively and I am just learning Evernote. It is very useful, even if a bit limited. I certainly think it will be a nice solution for notes at conferences, at least until I can really “round trip” files on the iPad. (Opening a document from DropBox, edit, save to DropBox would be ideal.)
John – in looking at the images again I wonder if perhaps you have not seen the full resolution images. I see no problem win Smellik, for example, and the top of Shinan is not great but the rest seems clear to me. But I am not looking at it via a web browser. Perhaps that is it.
Thanks for following up on this. It’s amazing what can be done these days.