Jim West posted this response to an AP tweet: From the twitter- @AP: Rick Warren gives 1st sermon since son’s suicide, saying “God knows what it’s like to lose a son”: http://t.co/FwRc10ASFf -SS But does he? Does God, in infinite knowledge, experience reality just like we do? Such a god seems to […]
I am reading some science fiction for distraction, The Fall of Hyperion, recommended by my friend Rick. This is the second in trilogy and, as seems so often the case now, the themes are far more relevant to my immediate life than I expected. One character, a Jewish Philosopher named Sol, […]
It is so very odd that we have the terms “widow” and “widower” and we have “orphan,” but we have no term for those who have lost their children. Other than words like the bereft, those who mourn and weep, the wounded….
From last Sunday. As with most sermons, I wrote sparingly and then in the preaching the sermon expands, but I think this captures my primary thoughts. Proper 5, Year C, RCL 1 Kings 17:17-24 Luke 7:11-17 The Widows’ Sons – Why Not Mine? When I came back to services one […]
Last night Chelsea beat Benfico 2-1 in the UEFA Europa League Final. I watched it from a hotel room in Utrecht and the game was played just a short train ride away in Amsterdam Arena, where just 10 months ago Mack and I watched Ajax beat the Celtics 4-0. Needless […]
I don’t usually post the speech I give at the Medals Ceremony, but this time the message was a bit different. Good afternoon scholars, Parents, and friends, trustees, President Erickson and Provost Pangborn. Congratulations to you all! Each one of you has played a significant role in getting to this […]
Today I was talking with a colleague about another tragic death of a young person. The runner collapsed and died during the Pittsburgh Marathon apparently with a “coronary artery abnormality.” No one was to blame for his death. He was born with this condition, although he was unaware of it. […]
The following is my sermon from this past Sunday. As you can see in the first paragraph, I am somewhat apologetic about the fact that I cannot read and reflect on our current readings without thinking of Mack and our loss. Then again, I realized that this is precisely what […]
This wonderful poem was shared with us by Dan Sheerin on Mack’s site. It is “a Celtic soccer song by Irish poet Gabriel Fitzmaurice” and it is a poem of faith as well. The Game of Your Life Whatever way it’s kicked out, face the ball! While wingers await delivery […]
He would be horrified that I use that term, but this week we met the young lady (and lady is the correct term) that Mack had been talking about all year. They are in different classes but ride the same bus. That was their time. She is the most incredible, […]