Since I have been thinking about it a lot lately… The first is from a strip called “Cow & Boy” that is, sadly, ending this year. The second and third, well, I think you will recognize it. (Quick aside: Our rector in Louisiana who is currently a bishop in ECUSA […]
From Inside Higher Ed: ‘It’s in the Syllabus!’ October 18, 2013 By Colleen Flaherty Some things are better worn than said. At least that’s what one Austin Community College professor of English thinks, based on his “It’s in the syllabus” T-shirt. A student posted a photo on Reddit and Imgur of David Lydic flashing […]
With an image like this, how could I not share this story? There are a number of sites that have posted this (HT: Hanne), it is a 2004 publication by Michael Camille, Image on the Edge: The Margins of Medieval Art. I have posted here before of a few marginal drawings […]
I have noticed that the way to get the most traffic in the bibliobloggingsphere is to write about Creation and Gen. 1-3. Heck, I have done it myself. But here at last is the true account, by Wiley. And the answer is: Alien poop.
I have mentioned before that Mack and I would read comics together every night. For a while it was hard to read comics again because of that fact. But at the same time comics and cartoonists have also helped me cope. So last week when Dan Piraro posted this comic […]
This morning NPR ran a great piece about the Loyal League of Yiddish Sons of Erin in New York City. Newspaper Excerpt On Loyal League’s Annual Banquet ” ‘Green bagels,’ assured Michael Mann, president of the Loyal League of Yiddish Sons of Erin. ‘They’re good if you acquire a taste for […]
Imperative viewing before tomorrow. I am very proud that my son is going in his homemade toilet costume inspired by this comic. The second coat of paint has been delayed by Sandy, but a picture will be posted tomorrow. Now, for the main attraction:
My fellow bibliobloggers have done an exceptional job of covering the “Jesus’ wife papyrus.” It has taken a few weeks but the true import of Karen King’s revelatory Coptic papyrus fragment of slowly coming to light. Jesus has not simply been revealed as having been married, but as comedian of the […]