I posted this on Facebook earlier in the week. The account will remain open, but moribund. As I conclude, how nice it would be to go back to the days when we had robust discussion through our “Biblioblogs.”
I opened my account on Facebook in September of 2004, shortly after it launched. This was at the urging of some of my students, who suggested it would be a good way to engage with them. For me, Facebook was always first and foremost a tool of my trade, a way to stay in touch with students, recruit prospect students, and (as the demographics changed) to communicate with the parents of my students. My how it has all changed.
In the intervening years family and old friends have joined. It has been wonderful to be back in touch and, often sadly, to hear updates on lives and losses. I am truly thankful for that aspect of FB and especially all those who have reached out to us after Mack died.
Sadly, and I am not telling anyone anything they do not know, FB has become a megaphone for the worst in society as well. I will not belabor this point, other than to note that it is not simply amplifying our poor behavior and ill-considered ideas for all to see, but it is also actively shaping our society. And not in a good way.
I will not be closing my FB account, I still need it for business purposes and you can contact me via Messenger, if you must (or better yet, email me cbrady@targuman.org), and my author page https://www.facebook.com/ChristianMMBrady will remain. I will repost essays, upcoming events, and opportunities that I think relevant to the author page. But my personal page is going dormant.
For any who might be interested in my thoughts on matters relating to the field of biblical and rabbinic literature, theology and the church, as well as the occasional comic, please go to my blog [right here!]. How nice it would be if we could return to the days of “Bibliobloggers” and substantive discussion in debates in the comment sections, eh?
3 thoughts on “Facebook Dormancy”
Greetings Chris, with fond memories of your blogging – for some reason, you have not been on my radar. Carnival is coming up and targuman and targum will get some mentions. Have you any posts you might recommend? I have already chosen your first and last posts for this month.
Thank you Bob! It is good to hear from you again.
I have not thought of my work as being “Carnival-worthy” in a while, but thank you for thinking of me! Aside from my post about SBL deliberations, most of my writing and production for the site lately has been around work within our parish relating to how we “weather” the COVID storm. The weekly essays have been a particularly good discipline and the class “Characters of God” has been a wonderful chance to be with people, even if virtually. The church is graciously hosting the videos for others to see.
I hope people will take note of your blog and the ‘characters of God’ series. While the videos may not be suitable for the carnival, parish work at this time of dislocated communities is important and good to drop in on. Thank-you. I listened to a bit of the David episode. I sure identify with the ‘battle after battle, and I just tune out’ comment. On the death of Saul and Jonathan, this interpretation of the music embedded in the teamim in his elegy on the death of Saul and Jonathan reveals his character. I wonder if you have heard this kind of music from the Bible.