Why don’t we have a bit of fun with this? Dr. Robert Cargill and I are getting ready to launch a collaboration that we think will be of interest to the Biblioblogging world and beyond. The project is called:
Sacred Techs
So here is the competition. What do you think this will be? I will give a lovely Penn State – Schreyer Honors College mug to the first person who is the most correct. Only one caveat, we will not announce the winner until we launch the project. But don’t worry! You won’t have long to wait!

5 thoughts on “SacredTechs.com – a competition”
I’m going to say a forum for digital biblical scholarship. Not quite blog, not quite podcast, but a web-based front end of sorts for the intersection of bible and digital scholarship. I expect commentary on developments of digital biblical scholarship and links to the growing list of web-based and electronic tools for doing biblical studies. It would make me happy too if this also served as a piece of the puzzle of how we add legitimacy (for P&T purposes) to those contributing to digital biblical studies. I’m just guess, but am I close?
And if it’s not that, I think it’s a place where folks in biblical studies can get together and play Halo in Qumran themed levels designed by Cargill. If we’re being honest with ourselves, biblical studies NEEDS this.