I know this site, “The Brick Testament,” has been reported elsewhere on the biblicablogs, but I was reminded of it last night and found that they are now selling the sets! One of my favorites: Moses & the Ten Commandments To celebrate the release of the book The Brick Testament: […]
Monthly Archives: March 2008
Watching Banned from the Bible II on the History Channel. Let’s see which scholars I know and who were willing to be on this. # Did that Stanford scholar really imply that there was validity to the Testament of Solomon as a text dating to Solomon’s day?! # We are […]
Today I interviewed Chris Tilling of Chrisendom via Skype. He is surely known to everyone who reads this blog (especially since his blog gets 10 times the traffic of mine, thus the reason for my interviewing him, trying to buy some friends! 😉 Add me to your blogroll, please? And […]
I don’t mind skaters, I used to skate poorly myself, but I do mind trespassing. That is what makes this so funny.
That sounds a bit rude, but that is what they call it. It is almost a shame that winter is nearing an end (and that I can think of several dozen other things I would do with $135). But if you have facial hair or a fetish for all things […]
Kevin has done a tremendous job wit the 27th carnival. It is a veritable midway of musings. One particular thread that I had not noticed this month was regarding translations (see below) but for the whole experience head over to Biblical Studies Blog Carnival XXVII To the right as we […]
Heb. 12.1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of […]
Getting some Italian with the pregame rush. Go State! Beat Michigan! # A fairly lazy Sunday so far. Just right. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
This morning out daughter is pitching a fit about going to church. She is 10 and the truth is that I can remember quite well doing the same thing to my parents. They made me go to church and we are making her come with us. Lately E and I […]
This is unconscionable. Author: My best-selling Holocaust book is a hoax – CNN.com Story Highlights Misha Defonseca’s book, “Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years,” false Defonseca maintained Nazis took parents, she was adopted by wolves Author not Jewish, actually lived with relatives after parents’ arrest This is where Jim […]