No internet here. Oh well. Catch you all later! # In the Charleston airport. Boarding in an hour. # Went to Parris Island today and saw new recruits being drilled. Lots of ideas for new student orientation. # on the plane and getting ready to go An MD85 werent these […]
Monthly Archives: March 2008
I need to do the dishes, clean some clothes, pack and get sleep. 5 AM comes early. SC and back in 36 hours. # @colecamplese congratulations again! (And happy birthday?!) # @Robin2go @SCMProfessor You know I do! And on Flickr: targuman # @SCMProfessor Sadly I will be travelling tomorrow. # […]
The day is waning and time for bed. First, to read some comics and unwind. *sproing* # Larry Lesing is opening the Penn State Teaching and Learning Symposium # Sorry – Lessig # Follow @SCMProfessor – his tweets are more detalied.. # @SCMProfessor If we don’t twitter the terrorists win! […]
The results of the last poll are in: Is Geza Vermes the “greatest Jesus scholar of his generation”? No. He is an excellent scholar, but there are so many other outstanding scholars in the field it would be too much to declare him “the greatest.” (100%, 25 Votes) Yes, how […]
Today I am at the 2008 Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium, Penn State. My twits will post tonight and you can get a sense of what went on. My brother presented a paper this morning and I am sure the podcast will go up later. About the Symposium Welcome […]
So, what career would you like? I think that some of the salaries below are commensurate with the work load and responsibility. Presidential pay is again causing a ruckus with the hiring of Mark G. Yudof, the University of California%u2019s new president, who will earn $828,000 in a job that […]
Parking garage in Philly. Anyone ever see Black Rain? # Back home, but meetings all day. Day opens with excitement: fumes in the tank. Will I make it to the station? # Meeting has begun. It is a presentation I have already seen…. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
This new feature will establish me as a futurist, one who extrapolates from current trends and practices and then leaps with abandon to postulate what will be. There are already technologies that allow for charging devices without the need of cords, but in the future our electronic devices will be […]